CIC Carbon Assessment Tool

Understanding the embodied carbon of construction materials and carbon emissions of on-site construction process provides the opportunities to improve the sustainability performance and construction project efficiency.

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About the Tool

The built environment accounts for 70% of Hong Kong’s carbon emissions and the HKSAR Government has committed to reduce its absolute carbon emission by between 26% and 36% by 2030.

The industry needs to play its part. The aim of the CIC Carbon Assessment Tool is to create a common platform to evaluate the carbon performance of buildings and infrastructure in Hong Kong from raw material extraction to the end of construction. The Tool facilitates the construction industry to contribute to the carbon reduction goal.

Measure the carbon footprint of new building and infrastructure projects

User friendly and common platform with localised carbon emissions data

Benchmark for both new buildings and infrastructure projects

Facilitate low carbon design and planning

Compatible with BEAM Plus, carbon audit and ESG reporting



Carbon emission factors for over 300 construction materials


Embodied carbon of construction materials and carbon emission of on-site construction processes


Carbon performance of construction project


Carbon reduction target for the construction industry